Monday, 30 January 2012

Photo Challenge ~ Oh So Silly!

What's to say ~ this picture was my instant choice!

My eldest son & eldest daughter hooning around ~ as teens are inclined to do!! :D

Entering for this weeks iheartfaces photo challenge.
Why don't you check out all the silliness for yourself ~ and maybe even join in!!

Saturday, 28 January 2012

ATW Tuesday ~ All about Hair

There seems to have been a bit of a theme going on in our house these last few weeks ~ and it's all about HAIR!

Stitch got a 'big boy' haircut ~ and with it seemed to fly in a whole new 'boisterous boy' attitude!
But he is cute as a button, as it makes him look far less little ~ AND his winter hat stays on better!!

Then the girls decided they would like to experiment with curls ~ so we've had this

and then this

and this

I love having girls with pretty hair!! :D

Maybe it's the being shut-in with this freezing weather that makes us all want to experiment a bit?

Head on over to CommunalGlobal to share a little of your world with us this week.

Favourite Photo Friday


I know, I know ~ they are all baby shots ~ but he IS rather cute!!

You Capture ~ COLOUR

I haven't participated in YOU CAPTURE for quite a long time ~ having been a regular for ages!
Sometimes life gets in the way and things go by the wayside...
But this week, I figured it was time to get back to it :D

The theme for the week is 'Colour' ~ and my world has no shortage of it!!

I love that the only colour in my bathroom, comes from the toys that litter our home :D

 YEAH!! I got featured  ~ click the logo below ~ thanks Beth :D

Surrounded by spots & stripes ~ my little sleepyhead, enjoying his morning nap ~ on my bed.

Art work from this last week's schooling

And the colours that nature blesses us with on these winter evenings ~ beautiful!

To join in with YOU CAPTURE click on the little green logo/button above and link up to your blog post :D 
See You there!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Photo Challenge ~ By The Book

There's no shortage of books in this shot!!

Taken during an ordinary day at our house ~ 
this is our 'school' room, with lessons in full swing, on the first week back in September!

This wasn't the first shot that sprung to my mind for this theme, or my most recent, or even my favourite 'book' shot, but when I trawled through the many I have, I stopped here ~ I like this one for the story it tells. It really is 'just us'  ~ I hope you and the judges like it too! :D

To join in with this week's book-y theme on iheartfaces just click the logo at the top of the page and link up to your blog post.

See you there :D

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Photo Challenge ~ Family Fun

51/52 ~ Water Fountain!

This picture has to be one of my recent faves!

It's taken on my son's first birthday. He had a bowl of bubble to play with, but was very unsure about the whole thing! Do you see the white spots on my Nanna's trousers? That's the water that my husband was squirting over everyone ~ to try and encourage baby to enjoy it! (you can see more HERE ).  I just love all the different expressions on all the faces ~ even my mum's look of slight disdain at the silliness of it all! ~ real FUN!!

To join in with all the fun @ i♥faces this week, click on over and link up to your 'family fun' blog post ~ see you there!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Best Face Top Picks of Mine ~ 2011

I had to make a decision ~ it was tough!!

These were my nearlys, in particular order...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


226/365 ~ Film Star!




132/365 ~ Sitting Solo (bw) @ 26wks


"I believe I can Fly!"






Which would you have picked? Any of these of the one I went with?


Photo Challenge ~ Best Face Photo from 2011

WOW ~ such a tough call. I have taken so many 'faces' this year, and so many of them I would consider 'best' for one reason or another. But I wanted my entry to be one the judges would come back to over and again to look at ~ one that would stick in their mind above all the many other entries there will be ~ and THAT is tough!

Pretty much all my favourite shots have been processed in Black & White ~ there is something about BW that just speaks to me, especially when it comes to faces. Something of a person's soul can be seen when all the colour is stripped back. 

In the end, this one wins over, simply because it the picture that springs to my mind often & certainly every time I am asked what my favourite shot of the year is.

I know it's not technically perfect, but it is perfectly HIM ~ my little soft, but serious, six year old son (also my sixth child). And there IS something about this picture that just makes me just want to keep looking at it and coming back to it. I can't put my finger on it, but it's there. 


To see my other top picks of the year click here.

And to join in click the i♥faces button at the top of this post.

Go For It!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Communal Global ~ Christmas Edition

269/365 ~ 35mm Bell

Ok ~ so I know it's not actually Christmas anymore, and in fact we are now 3 days into 2012, but it's been mad busy around here over the holidays, and this is truly the first chance I've had (even now there are other things I SHOULD be doing!) post about Christmas.

268/365 ~ Christmas Cupcake Forest

This year my Mum and my Nanna came to be with us (my Nan is staying for a while longer). It was great to have them here :D


Christmas Day, we always open just one or two small gifts in the morning and then head out to church for a short service of celebration of this very special day. The children take what they have opened to show everyone ~ it's lovely! 



Then it's home to finish of the meal. This year we let the children open a new family game that their grandparents bought them, to play for an hour while we got busy setting tables and cooking up a scrumptious meal!

Before Dinner Games

Christmas Table(s)

Christmas Table

Centre Piece

Christmas Candles

After an hour or so of feasting (and another hour of clearing up!)...

Tucking In!

it was time to set to on 'the great unwrap' ~ with 8 children and 4 adults in the house it can take some while!!

Before the Great Unwrap

Everyone was delighted with their gifts and a good time was had by all :D

Christmas Collage 2011

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas ~
And wishing you every Blessing in 2012!



I ♥ FACES - Week 7 - "I Wanna Dance!"

I ♥ Faces - Week 2- “Best Face"

I ♥ Faces - Week 27 - Pets

I ♥ Faces - Week 31 - "Crazy, Silly, Funny Faces!!"

I ♥ Faces - Week 35 (ii) - “PhotoJournalism"

Social Butterfly Award :D

Ten Minutes From Home

Capturing Your Memories

Communal Global

You Capture


5 Faves Friday

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