Friday, 11 June 2010


This weeks Original was lovely, but maybe lacking some pizzaz! 

I decided I would edit in three programs this week, just for fun!

LIGHTROOM 3 beta ~ Edit One
  • auto tone
  • photo-flavors preset ~ 'Remember When' 
  • Brightness slightly adjusted
  • photo-flavors preset 'square vignetter J' ~ amount -100, midpoint 64, roundness -100, feather 100

GIMP ~ Edit Two

  • opened in Gimp 2.6.7
  • adjusted brightness and contrast using curves (kind of a wide n shape!)
  • Using 'colour balance' ~ I applied preset #4 and turned the red down to taste.
  • used a high-pass sharpening and reduced the opacity to make it more subtle
  • selected eyes and made a layer mask (each person on a seperate layer mask) ~adjusted the brightness and contrast of them
  • dodged the shadows very lightly under her son's eyes.
  • flatten and save.
(remember EVERYTHING I do, I do on a duplicate layer, so that it is easy to UNdo should I choose to :D)

GIMP ~ Edit Three

  • working staight from above I simply applied LASM's Lab WOW script and adjusted the layers to taste
  • Changed the effect to 'grain merge' and reduced the opacity.
  • flattened and saved.

GIMP ~ edit Four

  • working from edit two
  • applied a 'split tone' effect of dark grey and mid blue and adjusted the layers to taste
  • applied a 'stroke' of 40, overlayed and merged with layer (to create subtle framing).
  • flatten & save

PSE7 ~ edit Five
  • opened original in CameraRaw and adjusted exposure, recovery (up to 100%!),  brightness, contrast, sharpness (a little), clarity, changed white balance to 'auto' (which really warmed it nicely), noise reduced very slightly, ~ all until it looked bright and warm!
  • opened image in PSE
  • applied CoffeeShop Johnna's Tea Party (my favourite action) and adjusted; Hazy to 7%, with Contrast to 23%
  • adjusted the sharpness of the whole image on duplicate layer (75%, radius 0.8, uncheck more refined, use remove lens blur)
  • changed sharpened layer to soft light and reduced opacity
  • applied 'eye bright' action and used layers to enhance the eyes (painting on the masks with white soft brush) and reduced opacity to look natural.
  • Flattened & Saved for the web.

I'm pleased with all my edits this week and pleased that I can use other programs when my LR3 beta runs out this month :(

To join in the fun, hop on over to Fix-It-Friday ....


Mandi 11 June 2010 at 20:22  

I really like how nice and bright your edits are! Great job!

Yolanda 12 June 2010 at 01:40  

The final one seemed to add some character to her face that I really liked. I love it when people’s eyes wrinkle when they smile. And your processing really enhanced her smiling eyes.



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