FIX-IT-FRIDAY - NO.40 - "Crawling Baby"
An awesome image to begin with, perhaps a touch out of focus (lacking sharpness) and a little underexposed.
( This is NOT my picture, only edited for Fix-It-Friday. Original HERE;
© belongs to Julie Rivera ( )
© belongs to Julie Rivera ( )
I fixed in 3 programs, just for those of you who like it when I edit in Gimp!! :)
LIGHTROOM3 (beta) ...which is sadly about to expire :(
I fiddled a lot here, so bear with me!
- Temp -15, contrast +9, Clarity +33, Vibrance +25
- used iris enhancement adjustment and adjusted to taste
- Sharpen Portrait preset
- Brightness +26, Tint -10, Exposure +0.60,
- Red saturation +24, Red luminance -31,
- Highlight Hue +46, Hightlight Saturation +13
- Tint -20
- Applied Coffeeshop 'Creamy Chocolate' preset + auto tone
- exposure 0.97, contrat +26, shadow tones -65, dark tones +44, clarity +22, Brightness +16
- Virtual copy Edit one and applied Maple Syrup Kiss (Photo Flavors Preset)
- Virtual copy Edit one and applied Ilford XP2 Super 400 (preset from HERE; )
All work is done on duplicate layers and opacity adjusted to taste
- Create Backgound copy and hide original
- applied smart redux sharpening (Overlay Op'y 44.6)
- Edge Mask Sharpen (set to overlay Op'y39.7)
- Dup' layer and select irises ~ create selection layer mask
- dodge shadows lightly in both eyes, apply mask, adjust brightness-contrast of layer (to taste) ~ set opacity to 86.6
- Merge all visible
- Duplicate layer and use curves adjustment ~ set opacity to 88.4
- Save for Web at 100% quality.
From Edit One (pre-curves adjustment)
- Applied Script Fu ~ Romantic Colors ~ teal 52.1, pink 81.0, Beige 33.9
- Changed Beige layer to Grain merge
- Flatten and save for Web
- From Edit one (pre curves adjustment) ~ applied PortraFX script
- desaturated
- added a new layer and filled with a light fawn colour ~ chnaged to 'grain merge' and set opacity to 25.6
- Flattened and saved for Web
- From edit THREE
- added new layer and filled with deep dark red ~ changed to 'addition and set opacity to 17.4
- Flattened and saved for Web
- Opened in CameraRaw and made a few minor adjustments there ~ sharpened +25, 0.8 and others similar to initial adjustments in Lightroom, just to lighten and brighten a little ~ then opened in editor.
- Dup' layer
- applied CoffeeShop EyeBright ~ painted on layers; bright eyes op'y 100%, eye define op'y 69%,
- Duplicate layer and use 'grants tools' curves adjustment (this is an 'action' that works in guided edit mode) ~ simplify and change opacity to 80%
- Duplicate IMAGE and make convert new image to B&W (portrait), then drag B&W in as new layer (transform to fit) ~ change B&W layer to 'soft light' (opacity 50%)
- Flatten and Save for Web.
- Using the B&W image created above;
- add a new layer and bucket fill with very dark brown ~ overlay @ 40%
- add new layer & bucket fill with deep dark red ~ Hue @ 37%
- Flatten and Save for Web
- From PSE Edit One
- Applied CoffeeShop Johnna's Tea Party ~ Contrast Layer 21%, Hazy 18%
- Apply 'salt' FX
I hope you like my edits ~ comments and criticisms welcome :D!!
To join in the fun head on over to Fix-It-Friday...
Gorgeous edits! Did you make all of them in Lightroom? I too am sad the beta is ending soon! :(
love all of them but #3 is my fav!! good job!
Love your edits.
You are very creative.
PSE7 edit 1 is my favorite...
WOW Caroline some of these look so dreamy!!
I love edit 2 in Gimp!
I love edit 3 in PSE7!
Look at me Caroline, can you see me?
My lip is pouting yep pouting Caroline, because I don't know what your edits mean and I want to!!
I want to be taught by the Master Caroline, you photo goddess you!
The very last edit is my favorite! I love the softness & the clarity all at the same time! :)
I think #3 is my favorite. I love lightroom as well!!
Wow! You use a lot of different tools! I LOVE (x7) that Maple Syrup preset edit, especially the way it makes her eyes look! I wish I had Lightroom so I could use Photo Flavors presets. :(
I think your first B&W conversion (Creamy Chocolate preset) doesn't have enough contrast in it / is too bright, so it kind of looks odd. I like your other B&W conversions though. many edits. I love them all. It's hard to pick one fav. I'll choose one from each group:
Lightroom: edit 3
GIMP: edit 1
PSE: edit 2
All are wonderful. Great job!
Wow! You had a lot of fun!! I like the 1st GIMP edit the best, I think... but I like a lot of color. Just me, I know a lot of people prefer the faded look! That's what makes us unique! :-)
I like the Gimp #3 and the PSE7 #1 edits. :)
Thanks for stopping at my blog, hope you come back again soon! I am going to follow you so I can see more of your photography and your editing.
I use pse7, and I love your very last edit. It's so soft and pretty!
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