Friday, 19 February 2010

Fix-It Friday #44 - Sweet Girl!



Fix one

Doing my best to remember now...
  • duplicated the background layer
  • Used 'golden sections' to crop
  • On copy layer I then adjusted in levels and curves, bringing up the darks a lot to lighten it a good deal (an over-arch curve)
  • duplicated this layer and made it a screen layer with decreased the opacity.
  • Added a colour layer of mid-beige, made it grain merge
  • Copied beige layer and made the copy layer soft light.
  • Selected around Emma and copied her then pasted her into a new transparency layer.
  • High-pass sharpened this Emma layer, erased the sharpening from her face
  • Copied the Emma layer
  • Made a layer mask on this layer and painted around her eyes with a flesh tone (using droplet tool), then decreased the opacity to blend
  • Merged her down.
  • Framed using 'add a frame' script.


Fix two

I worked straight of fix one, but added a duplicate layer, which I desaturated and lower the opacity of to bring out just a touch of colour.
I used a script for the edge effect.

Fix Three
Working of fix two, I added to colour layer; a blue one set to soft light mode and a pinkish one set to screen. Both layers had decreased opacity to just give a slight cross process effect.
'Add a frame' script for border.

Just quickly today, but I shall try to post up the steps later. I have a birthday party this afternoon for my girls :D.

This was all done in Gimp (no Lightroom, no PSE & NO ACTIONS!) I wanted to try to do it myself and stretch myself a little. I'm really pleased with these, but I just wish they didn't look so pixelated :(

Check back later for the step-by-step (well as much of it as I can remember anyway!).

And in the meantime check out everyone else's fixes over at FIX-IT-FRIDAY.

POST-SCRIPT ~ I've now put the photos on Flickr and linked them in that way. Hopefully they look less pixelated :D

This one is an extra little fiddle around with Fix one (in PSE7) adding two actions with tweeks ~ 'CoffeeShop Perfect Portrait' & 'Johnna's memories of Sunshine'

I really wanted to have a go with the new CoffeeShop Sunkiss action, but I can't get PSE to see it :( I thought this photo would lend itself well to it.

OK ~ so this evening I discovered the link to the RAW file (thanks Kelly), so I thought I'd have a quick see what I could do in Camera Raw. This is straight off from there ~ I can see the potential for this now, but I'm too tired to play anymore, and I think that's enough fixes for one day!!;

Increased the exposure, the brightness, the contrast and the recovery.
Set to 'cloudy'
Set to 'camera faithful'
Cropped to a 5x7
"C'est tout!"


Kelly @ illustrations 19 February 2010 at 16:42  

I really like Edit Two. Very impressive that you did that all on your tell!!! I did notice the pixely part though too...did you modify the jpg or raw version?

Nice work and enjoy the party!

Kelly @ illustrations 19 February 2010 at 23:29  

Hi! Thanks for checking out my edit and for the comments.

As far as Raw...yes, you can download it. There was a link at the bottom of the posting that takes you to another download site other than Flick'r. I didn't notice it the other 2 times I participated either but it was there today and that inspired me to do the LR. Usually I edit jpg's in CS2. Hope that helps!

Yolanda 20 February 2010 at 15:20  

All of these edits are so gentle and pleasing. I love that they are not overdone. The RAW edit is my fave, but I really like the dark contrast and they way the wrinkles in the jeans pop in Edit Two.

Thank you again for stopping by my blog. I scrolled through all of your FIF and they are absolutely gorgeous.



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