Fix-it-Friday - Week 11 - Cooing Baby
Edit 1
Edit 3
Edit 4
Edit 5
Edit 5 close up
Now what did I do with this gorgeous baby?
In Pain.Net:
duplicate image
lasso, brighten and sharpen eyes - apply
lasso & sharpen lashes (just +7) - apply
soften whole layer (1) (original invisible) - normal blend
save and continue - edit 1
duplicate layer
change layer 1 (middle layer) properties - lighten blend, opacity 223.
erase eyes & merge down
Now work in top layer - opacity 31, - normal blend.
merge down
make original visible.
(save and continue - edit 2)
Make original INvisible again
Apply B&W effect the make very slight long-s luminescence curve.
(save & continue - edit 3)
undo the flattening
make original visible
Save - edit 4
duplicate layer to make 2nd layer
erase eyes on layer 1 - screen blend - op' very slightly down
flatten & save - edit 5
These were my basic fixes. Then I took all my edits into Picnik and played with rotation & flipping, cropping, vignetting, matte edging, framing and a touch more softening for edits 4 & 5.
I am gradually getting the hang of this layering thing, but does not have 'create layer mask' buttons!! Gimp has something like it, but it's generally more complicated to use, so I'm starting where I am at. I may have gone around the houses a bit with this, but I got what I wanted in the end!!
I kind-of went crazy, but really all I did was save along the road. At the end of the day the real editing is done in the first fix and there after it's just tweaking and playing and twiddling and fiddling and seeing what I come up with - saving every time I see something that pleases my eye - then going back to play some more!!
I was thinking about 'scrapbooking' the photo, or clip-masking, or texturising - but at the end of the day a baby is just as a baby should be - smooth & fresh and unadulterated beauty (milk spots and all) - that is so fleeting and so absolutely in need of capturing for time immortal. I just didn't want to 'change' this baby in any way, it was just the photo that I wanted to edit - a little ;)
I was thinking about 'scrapbooking' the photo, or clip-masking, or texturising - but at the end of the day a baby is just as a baby should be - smooth & fresh and unadulterated beauty (milk spots and all) - that is so fleeting and so absolutely in need of capturing for time immortal. I just didn't want to 'change' this baby in any way, it was just the photo that I wanted to edit - a little ;)
I had fun - I hope you like what you see here and that you had fun too :D
WOW! So manny edits, I don't know what to say! Love them all!! They're great! I love how you've brought out his eyes!
Yes, wow!! lots of work went into these I am sure!! I like how you colorized the pictures. They are really sweet!
I love #4. Thanks for posting the steps, I am still confused by the layering and I am going to study your steps to see if anything sinks in!
You went crazy with this one ~ I love that!
I really like how you flipped the image in some of these. That's really cool.
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
I kind-of went crazy, but really all I did was save along the road. At the end of the day the real editing is done in the first fix and there after it's just tweaking and playing and twiddling and fiddling and seeing what I come up with - saving every time I see something that pleases my eye - then going back to play some more!!
I was thinking about 'scrapbooking' the photo, or clip-masking, or texturising - but at the end of the day a baby is just as a baby should be - smooth & fresh and unadulterated beauty (milk spots and all) - that is so fleeting and so absolutely in need of capturing for time immortal. I just didn't want to 'change' this baby in any way, it was just the photo that I wanted to edit - a little ;)
perhaps I'll add that to the post itself!!
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