Communal Global ~ "Around the World"
We do 'Christmas' twice in our family... one on Dec 25th and again on NY's day ~ each with whichever part of the family we are with at the time. This was My mum's time with us :D The other children were not as miserable as they appear ~ honest ~ only tired after seeing in the New Year at our friend's party earlier that morning!
WHY? do they choose the coldest time of year to give us a day without power while they replace the electricty cables ~ power OFF at 8.30am (before we had chance to get hot drinks & showers, etc...), meaning no heating for the day either, as our oil pump is electrically powered! Power ON 3.30pm! Boiling milk on top of the log burner for coffee was a novelty anyway ~ and the whole day was an education to my children about life pre-power!! At least we were to keep the lounge warm and it was nice to see some games come out that DIDN'T involve a screen! :)
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